Featuring engines by Leo Squiers (mostly!)
The 049 Collector's group on Yahoo is a fine forum. Check it out if you're interested in these little engines. It's NOT all Cox, but lots of fine and interesting engines. There are some real powerhouse folks on it. Find Leo here: http://livingmasterpiece.com/stoneway/index.asp
This one's NOT Leo's...It's creator is Guy Eaves. I understand he's an expert on WenMac engines.
Unknown builder.
This engine was put together by someone in a short production run. It was intended for the Orbiteers PeeWee 30 freeflight event. Any modifications to the PeeWee were allowed, so long as it stayed a rear intake engine. Only the head/plug on this one is different than how it was supplied. If anyone knows who it was that did these around 1986 or so, please let me know. Bob@theaerosmith.com |